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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - go down


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  1. спускаться; становится ниже his temperature is going down —- у него падает температура the floods are going down —- вода сходит (спадает) the standard of work has gone down —- уровень мастерства (исполнения работы) понизился 2. театр. опускаться when the curtain goes down —- когда опустится занавес, когда окончится спектакль 3. спадать (об опухоли и т. п.) my ankle has gone down —- щиколотка у меня уже не такая опухшая the tyre has gone down —- шина села 4. опускаться to go down in the world —- потерять былое положение (в обществе) the neighbourhood is going down —- этот район становится все менее престижным 5. снижаться (о ценах) eggs are going down —- яйца становятся дешевле 6. утихать (о ветре, море) 7. садиться (о солнце) before the sun goes down —- перед заходом солнца 8. затонуть 3 ships went down in the storm —- во время бури затонуло три корабля 9. разг. быть проглоченным the pill won't go down —- я не могу проглотить пилюлю it went down the wrong way —- попало не в то горло 10. пасть, быть побежденным Rome went down before the barbarian invaders —- Рим пал под натиском варваров 11. спорт. проиграть; потерпеть неудачу Great Britain met France in the first round and went down love five —- в первом туре Англия встретилась с Францией и проиграла со счетом 0:5 their team went down before our superior playing —- их команда проиграла, потому что мы играли лучше 12....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   intransitive verb  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to go below the horizon ; set the sun went down  b. to fall to or as if to the ground the plane went down in flames  c. to become submerged ; sink the ship went down with all hands  2. to admit of being swallowed the medicine went down easily  3.  a. to find acceptance will the plan ~ with the farmers  b. to come to be remembered especially in posterity will he ~ in history as a great president  4. British to leave a university  5.  a. to undergo defeat or failure  b. chiefly British to become incapacitated went down with…acute tonsillitis — Helen Cathcart  6. slang to take place ; happen ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If a price, level, or amount goes down, it becomes lower or less than it was. Income from sales tax went down... Crime has gone down 70 percent... Average life expectancy went down from about 70 to 67. = fall PHRASAL VERB: V P, V P amount, V P from/to/by n 2. If you go down on your knees or on all fours, you lower your body until it is supported by your knees, or by your hands and knees. I went down on my knees and prayed for guidance. = get down PHRASAL VERB: V P on n 3. In sport, if a person or team goes down, they are defeated in a match or contest. They went down 2-1 to Australia. = lose PHRASAL VERB: V P num, also V P 4. If you say that a remark, idea, or type of behaviour goes down in a particular way, you mean that it gets a particular kind of reaction from a person or group of people. Solicitors advised their clients that a tidy look went down well with the magistrates. PHRASAL VERB: V P adv 5. When the sun goes down, it goes below the horizon. ...the glow left in the sky after the sun has gone down. = set PHRASAL VERB: V P 6. If a ship goes down, it sinks. If a plane goes down, it crashes out of the sky. Their aircraft went down during a training exercise. PHRASAL VERB: V P 7. If a computer goes down, it stops functioning temporarily. The main computers went down for 30 minutes. PHRASAL VERB: V P ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  {v. phr.} 1. To deteriorate in quality. * /This hotel, which used to be one of the best, has gone down during the past few years./ 2. To become lower in price. * /It is said that the price of milk is expected to go down soon./ 3. To sink. * /The Titanic went down with a lot of people aboard./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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